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Old 04-30-2022, 12:05 AM   #15 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by larrybuck View Post
With everything going on in the world today I don't know if you were able to achieve your 40 retirement goal, it's great you're working towards that, but back to the Buick and the Porsche, I'm just thinking that if the engine in the Buick were the 215 V8, that actually would have made a pretty cool swap into the Porsche 914. I have had pre-owned motorcycles with aftermarket pipes on them, but otherwise my bikes have always been pretty stock. I will be putting racks yes a front one as well on the dr200 to carry soft luggage for camping.
We did not make the Retire @ 40 goal. It was a stretch goal but worth the effort. We are now 44 and the Monte Carlo simulations show a 99% probability of a successful retirement. We are taking the next year to prep: Convert the Ambulance to an RV, sell a bunch of stuff and the house, finalize which state to move residency, etc. It will be a busy year.

The plan for the 914 was a Subaru engine. Swapping the 215 Buick V8 into the Porsche was a common swap but the parts are pretty rare for that 215 engine. The Buick was going to get a boring Chevy small block. In the end the Porsche was sold and the Buick was cut up for scrap. I was moving out of state and got no offers on the complete car but people wanted pieces. I pulled what I could sell then cut up the body and took it to the scrapyard as clean steel. My records show I got $14.42 for it at the scrapyard.
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