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Old 05-02-2022, 03:37 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
1) 'Solving' the climate crisis was always the easy part.
2) As with anything else, you'd defer to those with the specialized knowledge.
3) You'd do what works.
4) The real challenge has been the 'implications' of the solution, as borne out in the PBS FRONTLINE special.
5) I can confidently surmise that all your reservations about climate 'solutions' were crafted by the people who are showcased on the program, paid for by the people showcased on the program.
6) The 'fundamental human nature' aspect will fall to the same type of people who crafted climate denial.
7) 72-hours is all they need. You can see it with what the media did with Ukraine.
8) The market place is where it's going to happen or not.
1,2,3- As the WuFlu showcased, problems are never 1-dimensional. You don't put Fauci in charge of everything to respond to WuFlu, because disease mitigation is not the only thing to be concerned with. A wise person is informed by expert specialists, but understands the myopic lens through which they view things. If we wanted to maximally control the spread of WuFlu, we'd put every person into their own isolated box for a month. Since WuFlu isn't the only issue to be concerned with, and we understand human behavior, we realize that isn't a good solution.

Similarly, global warming isn't the only issue to be concerned with. Listening to whatever the most extreme opinion of what should be done would be disastrous because it wouldn't take into account all of the other factors related to living well.

4- I don't know what "The Solution" is you're referring to, but certainly the implications of all the extreme plans like the Green New Deal are precisely why they are untenable.

5- All of my opinions have been formed over the years of simply observing human motivation and truth seeking. I don't listen to right-wing media, so if anything in my liberal environment, I'm bombarded with more of the extreme left rhetoric. My opinions are a departure from the narrative, not an adherence to it.

6- Pointing out flaws in "The Plan" isn't synonymous with climate denial. It's merely pointing out flaws. The Frontline documentary doesn't even show climate denialism so much as it shows how everyone most informed on the subject knew how impossible it was to solve.

Answer this- if Exxon had given up entirely on the oil business when they discovered fossil fuel consumption contributes to climate change, how do you think anything would be different?

Do you think we'd all be flying around in solar powered aircraft, or do you think Exxon would simply have gone bankrupt while some other oil company swooped in to fulfill the demand for oil?

Exxon seriously researched the options, realized that solar powered flying cars wasn't likely, and decided to continue doing what they were already expert at. Nothing evil about that. Nice that we have access to their privately funded research for free. Don't hear anyone saying thank you for that. Like giving a gift and hearing "you suck" as a response.

If anything the documentary exposes how culpable all of humanity is, and the levels of mental gymnastics they will go through to vilify others to maintain the illusion of purity.

7- Don't get this reference. I don't follow the "news". Agreed that people are quickly brainwashed by deceit though. How many people still believe the "drink bleach" hoax, for example? People are generally sheeple, so that's no surprise. They let others do the thinking for them, and then fool themselves into believing they've done the thinking.

8- Of course, which is mostly what I've been saying. EVs aren't here because some genius politician dreamed up a regressive tax subsidy to the wealthy to purchase them, but because it was the right time in the evolution of technology for them to exist. The economic incentive to improve efficiency is sufficient to drive the millions of iterations in efficiency to come across all industries. The prospect of "free energy" from the sun is motivation enough to exploit it to the fullest extent technology allows, for example. Don't need some highfalutin Great Leader telling us his genius idea of utilizing sunlight.
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