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Old 05-05-2022, 12:58 AM   #25 (permalink)
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I don't understand the apple cult:

This is the first apple device that I have ever bought and I have been looking at this screen for at least 2 hours:

Over 4 years ago my boss gave me my work iPad and said "This is your iPad," but 2 years ago they had us send in our devices for a "system upgrade." However, it returned without any of my communication apps, apps I didn't want were there, I cannot change anything, and it took a while to get my communication apps.
The lock screen and background are a garish logo for the company that has given me just enough work over the past 4 years that I can make ends meet--at least when I have a second job.

Apparently none of my coworkers has been able to download any apps for months.

That is nonsense. Much of the office staff are therapists. I don't have any idea if they work in the office on top of whatever caseload they may have, but they very well may have hundreds of under-employed therapists.

The app nazi quits or gets fired.
Boss tries to find a replacement and when requests pile up he e-mails everyone "Hey, we need someone to approve app requests. Is anyone available 20 hours a week for that?"
[Receives hundreds of responses]

I use my iPad with clients that don't have their own or if they are unable to use theirs, but I cannot add buttons to Lamp, which is sufficiently problematic that I just spent $280 for a jumbo child's plaything just so I can actually use my communication device to properly communicate.
It is newer and larger, so hopefully I can install Chase, and Mom can use it without a magnifying glass, which makes my brain scream.
She insists that zooming in "Doesn't work," but she says that whenever she doesn't want to use something.
Personal accounts can use Lamp on up to 10 devices.
What kind of family would need 10 devices with Lamp?!
My plan is to let Mom use the Chase app and look up the heights of Hallmark actors on the jumbo child's plaything and use hers for work, adding words to the app as necessary.
If the jumbo child's plaything ever finishes setting up!
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