Thread: Motorkote?
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Old 05-05-2022, 02:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Motokote vs STP?

Why is MotorKote better than the other additives
Let’s face the facts this, question goes to the heart of the matter.
Andy Granatelli took a little known product called STP to the Indianapolis 500 and sponsored a racecar called the NOVI. His promotional savvy turned the STP logo decal into a cultural icon and the additive category took off.

MotorKote grew from the creative and tinkering skills of a Michigan PHD.

Lets check off the differences.

• It does not require heat to become active, others do, which does not protect against cold starts as MotorKote does.
• MotorKote works anywhere there is metal-to-metal contact. It has over 100 uses.
• It’s stronger and uses only the best materials and last longer than others, yes it cost more, but not really. Do the math, you might be surprised to find (because it lasts longer) it actually costs less.
• It is not really an additive. MotorKote does not blend with other liquids. It uses them as a carrier host to find metal to bond to. Hence, it does not void warranties or alter SAE ratings. The leading oil stabilizer thickens oil and changes SAE ratings dramatically!
• It is a smooth long molecule that soaks into metal surfaces adding an extra layer of super slippery lubrication with no need to allow for fill space.
• MotorKote contains no solid substrates to clog filters. NO PTFE. NO moly, NO solids- no solids what–so-ever.
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