Originally Posted by H-Man
It's a Kinesis advantage.
It has mechanical switches. It's going to last longer.
My sister has a keyboard from like 1986 I got from someone for free, an IBM model M I gave to her because I was tired of keyboards dying on her. That was about 7 years ago. Front room computer is running a 18 year old dell keyboard.
Tell me about it! On my desktop I have an old PC Concepts PS/2 keyboard with a built-in trackpad that still works great! I did drop it really hard once and it stopped working. I took it apart and saw what had shifted over and I just put it back together and it works fine again.
On the other hand, I've had nothing but problems with the three last laptop keyboards I've had. The last one didn't even last a whole year, so I got it replaced. But now it has stopped working again. I can't get a single key to work. It's still under warranty so I'll call tomorrow.