Quick update, I've been running around a lot more lately than normal. Anyway, messed around a tiny bit with coasting and it seems like costing to the stop sign and lightly hitting the brakes to make it regen gives the same energy back so if someone is behind me, I can coast for a ways and regen only when to the sign to be less annoying to others.
Too bad the gas pedal didn't have any regen, like you let off the pedal and it's coast mode. I'll have to pop up the TPS display and see if there's a consistent value that works.
I think it would be neat to mess around with the accelerator pedal signal a bit. It should be possible to make no touching the gas pedal at all be coast (no regen), and should be able to adjust the pedal to be more logarithmic like the blue line in the chart below. Say coast mode is at 5%, adjust the signal so 0% = 5%, say 40% is where the engine runs at the 2k rpm, make that more like 60% throttle and above 60% ramp up quickly from the 40% output to 100%. Basically it would give finer control over cruise locations for the pedal, but if I wanted to floor it, I could still. Just thinking out loud. Of course being able to control the throttle would also mean I could build my own cruise.
Anyway, I finally got around to swapping the tail light out, yay for all lights working now, no risk of a fix-it ticket.