Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
That is a greenhouse on wheels! Must get hot in there on sunny days...
As for aero - yes, replace those huge side mirrors! Or at least fold the passenger side mirror.
*Local laws may vary.
Not sure whether you would like to your hand at a hitch-mounted boattail? With the Multipla's shape a boattail could easily improve fuel consumption by at least 15-20%.

More here:
DIY hitch-mounted boat tail on Audi A2 3L (photos)
My Aerotail on Audi A2
I know that aero is very important but I don't feel comfortable to modify my car as long as I can't really measure the improvement ( or regression...)
The regular A2 has a .28 cx and the A2 3l 1.2 TDI a .25cx
Best cars ever made have a .19cx and in order to do that the need to do like super precise things, using high tech tools to check if they are right or wrong, like wind tunnels and stuff.
As long as I am not an aerodynamics ingeneer, I have a high probability of chance to degrade my actual CX, even if the technics I use seems to be fuel efficient