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Old 05-15-2022, 02:48 PM   #2 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Japanese automakers tend to be quite conservative when it comes to flexfuel engines here in Brazil, not going so extreme when it comes to changing the compression ratio and operating temperatures, and AFAIK only Honda and Yamaha had some negligible experiences with dedicated-ethanol engines for motorcycles in the '80s. OTOH resorting to a higher-temperature thermostat was still a common practice for aftermarket flexfuel conversions in Brazil until a few years ago. A good-quality hose and other parts of the cooling system may not suffer any damage, even though I guess nowdays the NOx issue may prevent automakers from switching to a higher coolant temperature on the newer flexfuels, nowadays that sequential fuel injection allows a more accurate engine temperature control too.

On a sidenote, around 13 years ago it was still quite common to simply replace the thermostat on some cars, even though their engines eventually didn't have a flexfuel trim neither from the factory or from some aftermarket provider, and run them on ethanol. For instance the Ford Duratec 2.3L engine, being fitted with the thermostat of a 1.6L derivative of the Renault Cléon-Fonte engine made by Ford under license in Brazil which had dedicated-ethanol versions.
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