Curiously, I am VERY interested in EVs, electric conversions, solar, power supplies, battery/super cap efficiencies, and so forth. In fact I do much professional research and development into these fields. However, I spent ~40 years learning about ICEs, and it's obvious they're going to be around for another couple of decades, so why waste the knowledge & experience?
I got to board a coal ship in China and see the engine. It was a 6 cylinder, and about 2 stories tall! I was told it redlined at around 450 RPM. That gives a lot more time to harness the thermal-to-pressure-to-kinecic energy conversions than we see in automobiles. Oh, and the primary fuel is bunker oil (called #6 oil in the US). Even in summer temperatures it is still a solid it's that heavy.
BTW, my best mile was 4:38 the summer between 10th and 11th grade. Now (at 55 years of age) I'd be lucky to pull off that 20 minute mile you mentioned.
Recovering Gasaholic