Whereas I would like to say I got an education, It's more like I'm rather confused now.
For me it's more bewilderment.
Melted rock forts of Scotland --- 28,297 views 12 May 2022
It turns out the vitrified 'forts' in Scotland were [allegedly] hilltop smelters using uphill burning trenches full of Gorse.
https://gorseactiongroup.org › gorse
Gorse - Gorse Action Group
Gorse (Ulex europeaus) is an Oregon State Class B Noxious weed found in abundance along the west coast.Gorse was intentionally introduced into the southern Oregon coast in the late 1800s and is now rated as one of the top 100 worst invasive species worldwide (World Conservation Union), and the #1 most invasive species on the south coast of Oregon (Oregon State Parks).
It's an invasive species in Oregon and the State is full of Basalt and Obsidian. There's an opportunity there, I'm just not sure what.