This is my current daily driver at the moment and the aero will be improved. Few new tricks coming and I am hoping to drop the drag around 0,23 levels.

I found a 22,8km long round test route to test the car and figured out how to make my cars test program for future. Previously I already tested with constant IQ program when you floor the gaspedal last 1% travel will give the 80km/h speed required iq for tests, but now I figured. If I build a stopper for normal driving that it wont allow pedal to go like 97% where I have normal max power. Then I can drive normally with the same ecu program and just for testing I take the pedal restrictor off.
Now back to mods
Current situation is abou this with grill block and lowering:
I will try 165/65R15 Michelin primacy tires which have A rolling resistance. Will drop consumption at least 0,1 liters.
Then smooth underside on exhaust tunnel, rear fenderskirts, tire deflectors, printed air curtains at the front etc etc.--> cd 0,23