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Old 06-02-2022, 12:45 PM   #18 (permalink)
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All thoughout W.H. Hucho's 2nd- Edition chapter on detail optimization you can 'see' where things 'saturate.'
On some specific modification, you witness drag reduction for a specific range of alteration, say, increasing a radius to a specific body leading edge. Then, beyond some point, no additional increase to this radius returns any additional benefit.
You've reached 'saturation.'
My Volkswagen, stock from the factory, would have been considered 'saturated' at it's nose. And I never touched it. Just the belly, wheel houses, and tail.
When Don Sherman at CAR and DRIVER aero-modded the Ford Pinto in 1974, he didn't use any radical leading edges. He did go beyond Ford's product 'specification', as he wasn't concerned what 'public reaction' would be, just aerodynamics. This is what 'hooked' me.
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Name:	member-aerohead-albums-articles+-+clippings-picture258-11-set-radial-tires-yield-25-improvement-.jpg
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ID:	32286  
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Last edited by aerohead; 06-02-2022 at 12:56 PM.. Reason: add data
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