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Old 06-04-2022, 04:14 PM   #15 (permalink)
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I'm trying to answer my own question, what is the underlying architecture of their algorithm. I'm convinced the field of low-end CFD needs adoption of OpenVFD over Cartesian cells.

First find:
Solidworks The Use
We use the models and drawing files and import all of them in any sort of CFD software as well. What this implies is that when it comes to be able to thermal analyses in addition to FEA, you want to be certain that your convective effects are expected and can end up being accurately described by the above information. Predictable effects may be defined because conditions where you have got to pushed convection and sincere convective coefficient values. ​Particleworks for SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation could go with each other to expand design phase CFD simulations. which are difficult to resolve by classical main grid based CFD software like SOLIDWORKS Circulation Simulation.
They acknowledge the issue. Next is
The idea is underpinned by the choice of meshing technology in SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
and the impact that choosing a Cartesian-based mesh has on the way the geometry is handled,
in particular solid-fluid and solid-solid interfaces, the wall treatment used to capture boundary
layer evolution, and calculation of skin friction and heat fluxes
That's a 20 page PDF, I guess I have some homework.

The thing about OpenVFD is that it is a sparse, shallow b-tree that can be traversed rapidly with each cell carrying arbitrary attributes like temp, pressure, electrostatic charges -- whatever. Open Source. It's used in the movie industry for smoke and flames.
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