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Old 06-05-2022, 02:55 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Black Bullet - '19 Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid Blue
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Originally Posted by CVTCivic View Post
.24 cd helps a lot, but at those moderate speeds like 80 or 90 mph, the hybrid doesn't help to lower the fuel consumption right?
Hybrid kind of helps. The engine runs much longer and it takes longer for it to recharge the hybrid battery. And then it’ll switch to full EV mode for only a few seconds, versus up to a few min in low speed driving. The hybrid battery also helps assist at the higher speeds when going up a hill and keeps the rpm’s from shooting up. If it’s a long steep mountain, after the hybrid battery drains, the engine goes insanely high rpm’s and borderline redlines and keeps revving the engine over and over again. So long story short, hybrid battery acts mostly as an Assist at the higher speeds when it gets under load.
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