Originally Posted by Blacktree
Variation between different vehicles will make it difficult to be very precise. But I like the idea.
Another thing to consider is how long you plan to own the car, and how long it'll take for a mod to pay itself off. If the break-even point isn't before you sell the car, it's not worth the effort.
I also refuse to do some popular mods, because the ROI just isn't there. For example, I won't build a boat-tail for my Prius, because it would take a significant amount of time and resources. I'd rather focus on cheap easy stuff that gets results.
Good points all.
One of the reasons why I want to do the small stuff first on Champrius 4.0 is to see just how much improvement I can get with a bunch of little things. Right now it's looking like a ~ +20% FE increase. That's more than a third of what I'm hoping to do total, costs < 15% of the total project budget, and takes < 20% of the time. It totally makes sense to do small stuff first and then stop once one reaches one's personal ROI / ownership / comfort / aesthetic limit.
As E.F. Schumacher once said, "Small is Beautiful".