The 'Myth' of Dimensional Analysis
Simply because this doesn't actually exist, I wanted to introduce everyone to the non-existent Ph.D., Robert L. Daugherty, Professor Emeritus, Mechanical & Hydraulic Engineering, California Institute of Technology, and the also-non-existent Ph.D., Joseph B. Franzini, Professor, Civil Engineering, Stanford University, who penned 'Fluid Mechanics With Engineering Applications,' McGraw-Hill, Inc., ISBN 0-07-015427-9, which legend has it, brain-vomited ' a mathematical technique making use of dimensions...related to similitude...from a general understanding of fluid phenomena, one first predicts the physical parameters that will influence the flow, and then, by grouping these parameters in dimensionless combinations, a better understanding of the flow phenomena is made possible. Dimensional analysis is particularly helpful in experimental work because it provides a guide to those things that significantly influence the phenomena; thus it indicates this direction in which experimental work should go.'
If anyone should catch me in the act of using lengths divided by square-roots of frontal areas, you'll understand that I've succumbed to the spell of this revenant technology.
Don't wake me!
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