How much vapor can one gallon of gasoline make if converted to vapor?
Briefly, the saturated vapor volume of an average gallon of liquid gasoline when fully evaporated is 160.4 gallons of vapor at 60° F and sea level.
Vapor volume of a liquid is the number of cubic feet of vapor resulting from the complete evaporation of the liquid. The vapor volume depends on parameters of density, temperature, pressure and molecular weight which is affected by the variety of formulas for gasoline that is comprised of a wide range of hydrocarbons.
Several approaches are available to solve this problem. One is shown below.
Using a common industrial formula:
one liquid gallon = [(8.31) x (SG) x (387 cu ft)] / (MW)
8.31 = pounds in gallon of water
SG = specific gravity of liquid being vaporized
387 = At standard conditions, one pound-molecular weight of a material will evaporate to fill 387 cubic feet of space.
MW= molecular weight of liquid being vaporized
Then using the approximate gasoline constants:
one liquid gallon of gasoline = [(8.31 pounds in a gallon of water) x (.70 approx. specific gravity of gasoline) x (387 cu ft)] / (105 molecular weight of average gasoline)
= 21.4 cubic feet of vapor volume
There is 7.481 U.S. gallons in one cubic foot.
one liquid gallon of gasoline = (21.4 cubic feet) x (7.481)
= 160.4 gallons of saturated gasoline vapor
The vapor volume will vary based on the specific formulation of gasoline, pressure, and temperature.
D. Hollatz
Two questions I cannot find answers to:
How much energy in gasoline vapor?
I believe IF I can meter the same amount energy in gasoline vapor like 30% of what normally would be fed into the ICE it would product the same power as it does on its normal system.
Is gasoline still burning in the exhaust manifold?
I believe it is as I have read it does in the past.
Also if combustion is completed within the chamber that there would be no need of the cats.
Gas ICEs are still rated at on 30/35% effectent.