Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Now I can see that being less than 15:1 of the air in a 250cc cylinder at around 1/2 atmospheric pressure.
1L of air weighing about 1gm, but it's only half an atmosphere, each cylinder is 1/4 that, should be looking at about 0.008gm or less of fuel there.
Here is the math I used.
33:1 AFR
100kPa Intake pressure
4.75 lbs/min total air
0.144 lbs/min total fuel or 65.41 grams/min total
65.41 grams/60 to get seconds = 1.09 grams/sec total for all four cylinders
2800rpm/2 = 1400 cycles per minute
1400/60 = 23.33 cycles per second
1.09grams/sec / 23.33 = .0467grams for 1 cycle all four cylinders
.0467grams/4cylinders =.0117grams for one cylinder and one engine cycle.
I then used a calc online for compounds and it converted .0117grams to 0.01 milliliters for petrol. I then looked up IV gtt numbers and found that 11 drops = 0.55ml.
I tried to simulate the IV drops so its probably not to the gnat's ass lol