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Old 06-17-2022, 08:54 PM   #6 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by BeeCee View Post
Has anyone ever found info on tiny, super fuel efficient watercraft? People brag about 5mpg (or nmpg ) in their cruisers but I'm CERTAIN there must be misers out there who have managed to squeeze much better out of tiny, aerodynamic, underpowered ones.
Not sure what would be "underpowered" to your standards, but I don't believe most of the leisure boat owners would be so willing to use a noisy and shaky horizontal-single Yanmar (or its Chinese copies) that I still see often on small fishing boats. Well, there are some boats fitted with such engines used as regular passenger transport in a touristic area in Florianópolis, but it's a very specific circumstance.
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