Originally Posted by 65whitelion
One of the great quotes I love;
Drum brakes would be great, if they worked!
I don't understand the big hype behind disc brakes, drum brakes have always worked great for me. It's easier to make "big" brakes in the disc config by using 4 or 6 piston calipers and such. Disc front drum rear is my fav brake layout. Bonus is the drum setup shields the brake parts from the weather some, so generally speaking there's less rust related issues up here in Michigan for drum brakes. Slides are always rusting up and freezing up, caliper pin issues, etc. It's quite common to have the brake pads not slide correctly and wear at an angle. If a vehicle sits, the drum brakes do have more issues with the shoes rusting to the drum, but popping the tire off and hitting the drum with a hammer generally frees them up pretty easily.
For a race car, I could see the desire for disc all around as they can be over sized easier and such, but for a consumer grade vehicle, I don't mind rear drum.