Originally Posted by freebeard
It's all in a positive pressure gradient. Why not a single flap that completely covers the opening, with speed holes?
Ur, I would do that, except I don't know what a speed hole is, or what you are describing.
Let me whip up a pic to give a better description of what I'm planning and looking for. Maybe you can suggest a simpler approach.
I want to have a ducted inlet to the radiator from the nose. So there will be a 24" by 3" opening right at the front. But I don't want to use all that all the time. If I just cover it with something flat, then I only get part of the aero benefit of covering it. So I want something reasonably like a curved surface, both to continue the tip, but also because everything I've ever read or seen on radiator inlets stressed how important smooth curved surfaces are.
In the pic I just made, I'm looking for the orange part that goes over the blue hinge. Am I making any sense?