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Old 06-27-2022, 12:21 PM   #170 (permalink)
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Nice gimmick but not the whole story,

Refineries realistically only can operate reliably at a max output of 75% with absolute reliability of supply way down in the 60’s (at least if historical breakdown and disruption data can be trusted)

There is no indication that our gas consumption is going to drop in half in 5 or even 10 years so even in 2019 we had inadequate installed capacity.

So they have either
1. Made an error
2. Are partying at the end of the world milking it for everything they can get.

The reality is the switch away from gas is not going to happen quickly enough even in their wildest dreams to justify their lack of action.

This is purely a grandstand to extort money, and doing this may actually backfire massively as Ukraine and other entities get sorted in the next few years.

To show just how boneheaded and short sighted we are, we are actually importing finished and straight run gasoline into the country, which is the dumbed most ideotic thing we have ever done in our history

Last edited by rmay635703; 06-27-2022 at 12:27 PM..
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