Thread: Prius 75-91mpg
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Old 06-29-2022, 02:08 PM   #287 (permalink)
Nathan jones
Ecomodding Apprentice
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Hi Mohammed and welcome to ecomodder. You have given me things to think about.

I do understand, and yes 200v is easy to charge.

This I will think about. Especially when cold weather and my car is in open loop mode all the time (where for a while 30% roughly more fuel is used to warm the engine). I have not tested the idea but it's possible my car rarely uses the O2 sensor to fine tune fuel trim at all...

Generally however at +90mpg until super reaches £2.40/l petrol is cheaper. At a crossover point that 30% will mean your idea would make a very big ethical change and start to save (small at first) money.

There will be transfer losses in changing the house AC to DC to a point less than 30%.

Yes your idea is sound in my opinion.

A full charge like that would contribute 5% to my daily trips as I live in the country (10-15 miles) It would also make the batteries warm and less resistant in the winter (springy like after a long drive. However at my gf's maybe up to 40% of small trips.

I wouldn't wire it to the block heater (don't have one) but the post relay terminals are easy to get to. If you did it overnight you wouldn't need a super thick cord as it's 201v dc, and it normally has to be much thicker (like an inch!), personally speaking. Have the charger/adapter so it goes in the boot.

City definitely. In my case whatever energy I use less mass means more money

Was interesting thanks

....I also had a thought why electric cars don't have multiple removable modules for people who live in flats etc, like you switch them out...

Last edited by Nathan jones; 06-29-2022 at 02:31 PM..
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