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Old 07-07-2022, 10:54 AM   #36 (permalink)
Talos Woten
Righteous Imaginarian
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Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Aliquippa PA
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Champrius v3.2 - '09 Toyota Prius
90 day: 58.73 mpg (US)
Thanks: 7
Thanked 105 Times in 53 Posts
Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
Kind of funny, for me facebook works as a guest, this is my facebook group, but it's a public group. Twitter also works as a guest, but you have to click posts the right way to view comments or it wants you to login (very annoying). Weird that you can load insta with out logging in though, I suspect you're on windows 10/11? I refuse to install that spyware that Microsoft made. I'm probably pretty biased since I'm fairly deep into computers and I know how info can be used.
Hmm. I wouldn't think the OS would be a factor, but perhaps it could be. I am on Windows 10. By the way, if you are interested, I wrote a script to turn off the telemetry and unnecessary services. Every time Windows did an update, it would reactivate it's crap, so I made something that automatically turned it all off again. Anyhoo, if you use a debloater and my script, it actually changes Windows 10 into something more reasonable.

Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
Anyway, not sure what you mean exactly by fresh browser, like reinstalled type of fresh? Chrome isn't an option for me due to their terrible privacy issues, and there's no IE on Linux lol. Facebook is terrible too, but I only use it for business.
Yes, fresh install kind of fresh. If you are on Linux, Safari or Opera are good choices.

Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
I see, I didn't have all of the details on what the claims were. I think the grill block is good for around 10% vs stock. My corolla with grill block and half belly pan under the engine and passenger mirror delete would get 38-44mpg, drive home unmodified the car got 33mpg with a bunch of issues I fixed right away.
Wow. The best I ever got from my grille block was 5%, and that was with something that I felt was unsafe to actually use. The grille block I settled on was around +3.5% mpg.

Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
Anyway, you're looking at a base mpg of 40mpg (mine is 46 with panels missing driving "normal" lol) and the target is 65mpg+ with all mods, not just the front end?
For the wager, yes. My actual goal is 70 mpg unladen with Champrius 4.0. I'm hoping to get high 60s by redoing the front, and then to refresh some other mods I already have to push me over the 70 mark. That would mean that once I dump in all my camping gear I should get mid 60s at 65 mph.

Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
Of my understanding there are larger gains at the rear of the car vs the front. The high pressure zones at the front kind of work out to make an effective areo shape that most of the air flows over. The air dam and such up front helps, but it's it's to redirect the air to less turbulent areas of the car. It's been a long time since I read about the areo civic, but if I remember right, the custom shaped nose cone vs the mostly (or fully) blocked off stock nose was good for like 5% difference.
That's everybody's understanding... because they haven't seriously considered modding the front as a whole unit. I'm not going to be doing what basjoos and everyone else has done. I'm trying something brand spanking new which I believe will be much better.

Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
I haven't personally experienced having a boat tail yet but I'd expect it to be by far the largest single mod you can do. There's a lot of other little mods that add up pretty fast though.
On v3.0, the boat tail got me +20% mpg. On this last version, it netted me +15%. It's pretty substantial.

Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
Here's a section about the areo civic. It's basically modded to the max, manual trans, lean burn Honda engine. Based on these numbers, that car should see roughly 80-85mpg on a long trip at 65mph (with today's' 10% ethanol gas). The prius doesn't seem to do well for high speeds vs low speeds, I suspect it's because of the CVT setup with the electric motors and battery requirement (more drive line losses than a manual trans at high speeds), it really shines at low speed and 40mph and under auto engine off coasting and such. Can your car hit 65mpg at 65mph, I think you'll get close. At such high speeds, it might be better to remove the solar pane or rework the boat tail so it's flush, the leading edge and tunnel effect I think creates a lot of drag, even dropping it down flat and reworking the front and rear edges I think could see some reasonable gains.
Crazily enough, on the previous boat tail, the solar panel had negligible impact. If it reduced mpg I couldn't tell. I think it was because it was so well oriented with the airflow. On this version, I don't know. The v3.0 was flat and straight from above. The v4.0 version is more rounded and tapers in all directions. So the back edges of the panel are probably interfering with airflow.

Before all my car troubles, v3.0 got 66 mpg at 65 mph unladen. That's why I'm pretty optimistic I can achieve my claimed numbers; I've already done it before.

Originally Posted by ps2fixer View Post
My guess is your car is sitting around .21 (factory is .24) and you're targeting around .18. Of course all of those figures are guesses based on some areo calcs and such, I'm far from any kind of expert. I think if you did the full blown Areo Civic setup, you could hit the goal.
The Gen II Toyota Prius has a 0.26 drag coefficient stock, not 0.24. My previous version was around 0.21, and my goal is 0.185 Cd (good guesses!).

We'll see how things stack up against the Aerocivic once I'm done. Onward!
Currently building Champrius 4.0! Follow starting here:

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The goal is 70 mpg this time around.

Stats from Champrius v3.2:
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