Manufacturers operate under other constraints, serviceability for one.
The Original Gangster VW Beetle had a flat floorpan, but the seats eventually needed more than wingnuts for hold-downs. The sliding mechanism added wedge shapes to the underside.
Here's a Type II on a rotisserie:

The center section has panels that fill the ladder frame, but they were only used on some models
Quote: › vw › forum › viewtopic.php?t=471948 :: Split Bus - View topic - Belly pans?
Belly pans are only found on Bus's; specifically, Bus's that have a sunroof or a door mobile, or a double door. When you cut a hole in the roof, the belly pans provide the strength and rigidity that is missing from the hole in the roof. They were body strengtheners put on Sunroof buses, and buses with the double doors both sides.
I think by door mobile, they meant Dormobile.