Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Nice find. Thumbs up for yard sale & garbage day "beater bikes"!
I've put about 2000 km on mine (much older, rougher mountain bike) since rescuing it from the garbage man a couple of summers ago.
Congrats on getting a bike, you might want to get a better seat but other than that for simple commuting a Huffy is just fine.
I suspect Johnny Mullet has ridden a dirt bike or two in his past, if you want to start going off road again, you might want to upgrade to something a bit better. The $1000 range is the sweet spot for hard tails, so a used one might be found for $300-400.
A helmet is a good idea too and find some tips online about how to ride in traffic, a few simple things can make it far less stressful.
Have fun with it,