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Old 07-19-2022, 06:16 PM   #5 (permalink)
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racprops if newbvetteguy used an electric active grill block instead of the electric thermostat I dont think it would work as it takes quite some time from when grills are opened to coolant temp dropping compared to the time it takes to open the thermostat.

Consider that when the driver floors the zoom zoom pedal the goal of opening the thermostat is not to immediately cool the coolant. its to dump that heat into the radiator so the whole cooling system drops in temperature virtually instantly.Otherwise with your idea the engine may overheat before the radiator can cool down the coolant.

According to the paper op linked the electric thermostat is more than just a regular thermostat with computer control. It has a wider range, it will flow better than a standard thermostat. It also responds faster. I.E may close when DFCO is occurring before coolant temperatures begin to drop.

My questions to OP are as follows:
1. Have you considered the easier route of trying to find/modify a conventional thermostat to operate at a higher temperature? Its a much simpler middle ground between doing nothing and an electric thermostat.
2. Have you considered things like a warm air intake?
3. Have you thought about how you are going to modify the ECU to prevent the radiator fan from turning on?
4. Have you thought about how you will modify the ECU to account for retarding ignition timing and cam phasing(if applicable) as the engine knocks. will your software detect this?
5. what kind of fuel are you running? is it a high grade?
6. instead of trying to fit an electric thermostat why not go on amazon and search "electric ball valve" and plumb that into your radiator inlet hose. seems much simpler. I don't have enough posts on here so I can't post this as an actual link.
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