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Old 07-20-2022, 11:21 PM   #27 (permalink)
Not Doug
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Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Show Low, AZ
Posts: 12,282

Chorizo - '00 Honda Civic HX, baby! :D
90 day: 35.35 mpg (US)

Mid-Life Crisis Fighter - '99 Honda Accord LX
90 day: 34.2 mpg (US)

Gramps - '04 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 35.39 mpg (US)

Don't hit me bro - '05 Toyota Camry LE
90 day: 30.49 mpg (US)
Thanks: 7,280
Thanked 2,238 Times in 1,728 Posts
The ebay popcorn arrived, but we never saw it, so I requested a refund.
I haven't heard back.

My brother's recliner supposedly arrived yesterday--in Benton, Mississippi.

They are supposed to refund me.

Mom interrupted me shampooing her car and had me drive us to Dairy Queen.

I don't allow anyone to eat in my Camry, but Mom dripped their sundaes all over herself and my car.

An employee apologized and informed us that her coworker gave our burgers to someone else, so I told my family to eat their ice cream.

It would probably make less of a mess than letting them drip.

When we got home I used the shampooer, wrapped their seatbelts around the door, and hosed them off.

I spent hours finding a recliner for my brote--for the fourth time.

I ordered a Lazy Boy, which has a lifetime warranty, so hopefully I don't need to deal with this again anytime soon.

I desperately wanted to use the dye, run my car for ten minutes, and finally track down the leaks, but I wanted to know how much to use.

I read that you are supposed to use an ounce for every gallon or something, so I bought a big bottle, but it just says one ounce per system.

I should have 1.1 quarts of power steering fluid, 4.5 quarts of oil, and 6.4 quarts of ATF.

How do those use the same amount of dye?

Sure, it will work, but wouldn't power steering leaks show up 5.5 times as brightly as ATF leaks?

I pulled the numbers out of the owner's and factory service manuals, grabbed my stuff, and left to see my second client.

A beige F150 cut me off and maintained 51 MPH in a 65 until I passed him.

Six vehicles passed both of us before the passing lane ended.

Then I got stuck behind a Jeep maintaining 41 MPH.

I finally passed him and got stuck behind a house.

A freaking house!

I saw my client and Mom had me stop for a single solitary tomato that she won't even use tonight.

It was hours to late to shampoo her car.

The UV dye would probably fluoresce better at night, but I see better during the day!

I trimmed the damaged piece of hood insulation. I bought insulation from a junkyard, but I need to buy the clip tool.

I sanded where I repaired the bumper corner and put a screw, washers, and a nut in there.

Now it doesn't look worse than the rest of the car!
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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