Originally Posted by aerohead
I'll try a link to SAE International technical paper 2013-01-2414, by Hirz & Stadler, Graz University of Technology.
It's semi-trailer technology.
The long and the short of it was:
* they tapered the trailer roof only and tested.
* then they tested this configuration, plus adding plan-taper boat-tailing.
* with the roof-only modification, wake area was reduced by 13.7%, which reduced drag by delta-Cd 15%, increasing Diesel mpg by 6.5%, at a presumed 83-km/h.
* with roof taper and side taper, the wake was reduced by 30.95%, which reduced drag by delta-Cd 23%, for a Diesel mpg improvement of 10.2%.
* without the plan-taper boat-tailing, there's a 34.7% drag penalty.
I've added the EAEC2011_B10.pdf to my reading
Has many of the same referenced %s... and gives me some visuals.
I think the commercial truck improvements are certainly applicable to Moby.