Small update, mpg has slowly been declining and I'm seeing it in the instant mpg numbers as well. Ran a bit late for getting packages out so drove "normal" 55-60mph and on the way home... holy crap numbers shot up back to what they were before ~70-80mpg at 40mph. Trip to the post office was 40mpg, by the time I got home I ended up with 54mpg average. Normally it's hard to hit 55mpg driving 40 to and back.
Pretty much all of this boils down to the car having an issue, I think it's pretty accurate to say the cat is in fact bad and when I'm driving it softly it's not firing off and just getting build up inside. Once I run it hard, it burns the build up off and fires up it seems like. I guess I need to pipe the car sooner rather than later. That could explain why ~45mph+ mpg seems so low compared to other charts.