Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Seems easy enough to confirm or bust.
Might be something I could test on my firebird when I get the T56 back in it.
Love this idea. I don't have the setup or know-how to make this happen, let alone a vehicle to test it on (all my vehicles are EFI).
I was excited when I saw the video, but when I saw that he posted the one video and instead of doing more testing he just kept posting different versions of the same video repeatedly, my spidey sense started tingling. Like I said above, he has had more than enough time to test, and honestly, with the price of gas these days, all the incentive in the world to take advantage of the great mileage. That is, unless it's a BS clickbait prank video just for the lulz and/or the few bucks in ad revenue he's getting off of it.