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Old 08-01-2022, 02:42 PM   #25 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Bremerton, WA
Posts: 108

Passat TDI Wagon - '97 VW Passat Wagon TDI
90 day: 54.32 mpg (US)

Blue - '21 Hyundai Sonata Blue
90 day: 49.97 mpg (US)
Thanks: 40
Thanked 60 Times in 45 Posts
Wheel Bearing Replacement

My front driver's wheel bearing was going out. Too much wheel play.
So I ordered new front wheel bearings, new ball joints, rotors, a new sway bar end, and new front brakes.

This was a tough job. Every single bolt was frozen on and my impact which goes to 300 ft lbs, wouldn't budge but one. The caliper frame bolts were almost impossible to get off. I could not get the tie rod end out of the spindle (completely frozen on), so I spray painted the tie rod threads (to keep track of where it was so I didn't have to get a new alignment) then just backed off the tie rod end off the tie rod to get the spindle off.

I got the spindle off and hammered off the hub. Of course the wheel bearing split apart and left the race on the hub and ball bearings rolling all over the shop floor. So I had to cut the race mostly off, since I don't have the factree $300 tool to do this. Then hit it with heat and since the race is cut super thin here, it either breaks or expands enough to come off easily.

It cleaned up nice, but the scoring on the hub, means I should have replaced it. Too late now.

I pressed in the new bearing easy enough, and pressed the hub into the bearing.

Now install. New rotors. Now, where are the brake pads I ordered? Rock Auto stiffed me on these
So, leave old pads on. Didn't need to use the brakes much anyway, I coast now.

All done.

The driver's side took over 6 hours to replace. The passenger side, just over 3 hours. Learning curve.. Of course it was 93 - 95 degrees out the whole time I was doing this.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

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ID:	32688   Click image for larger version

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ID:	32689  
97 Passat TDI Wagon
Bosio 520 DLC nozzles, chip tune
Mufflerectomy, ALH Injection Pump
317k miles
Scan Gauge II
full belly pan
26 gallon tank
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