I filled 15% of the tank with E85 when I got to Sacramento and got 39.5mpg indicated by the computer going to the Bay Area. A little short of 40, but with normal gasoline it would've been over 40. I did lose a bit of fuel with the adaptive cruise control erratically braking when the car ahead changed speed, and I was generally going at least 62-65mph if traffic allowed.
I noticed that it's pretty reluctant to DFCO, so doing a lot of shifting to neutral helped save ~0.03 gallons per hour. This easily bumps "city" driving from ~30 up to ~40 mpg.
Will check the tire pressure and try to get around to making the cardboard tail.
EDIT: Tires already at 40psi when the door sticker says 33F/30R so I guess I'm not going to get much more rolling resistance reduction. Installed a small solar panel to keep the battery topped up so the engine start/stop works all the time.
Last edited by serialk11r; 08-02-2022 at 06:01 PM..