Originally Posted by beate
Not quite.
First of all, i am a woman (and therefore more complicated...).
Moreover there is already a velomobile with fully closed wheelhouses: the CAS Milan. That's a version of the Milan velomobile especially designed for a world record (24 hours men, i think. ) which has the wheelhoses closed to its maximum. The clothing patches turned with the wheels.
Entschuldigen Sie bitte.
Please accept my apology for the lack of consideration to our global audience.
I'm afraid that I'm not far-removed from some of the knuckle-draggers depicted in cartoons.
I like to think that you'd have been inspired by the women members of the international teams competing at Battle Mountain, Nevada, in the annual IHPVA speed events. I was.
And it sounds like you're well acquainted with low-drag.
Without access to the GoOne, from the photos, it seems that turbulence within the wheelhouse region could / would compromise boat-tailing further aft on the lower body.
Wolf Heinrich Hucho and his mentor, Dr. Hermann Schlicting emphasized the importance of protecting against any pressure spikes in an aft-body, which could precipitate premature flow separation.
Steering articulation and vertical suspension travel makes it a sophisticated challenge. Fun!