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Old 08-05-2022, 07:36 AM   #5 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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I've been reading up more on integrated assist - i found a neat little write up about a study here:

this is pretty much along the lines of what i've been thinking of - like the integrated assist from the insight, but, beefier for a larger vehicle.

now, this is 350V which is higher than i was hoping to work with - but the concept is the same (And i'm not completely opposed to it, just wary)

i'm also not really sure about the water cooling - it isn't something i've dealt with before in an automotive application so i'm not sure what needs to be done for sizing, routing, etc - though glycol is popular in HVAC so i should be able to figure that out.

Having a motorhome body should help simplify running the electrics and liquid lines as well, because i won't have to tuck them into the space that is available, i can make dedicated and accessible space. (pretty much picturing whatever the automotive equivalent of a pipe chase is..)

i'm having no luck finding anything by that model number presumably because it was developed for the program.

i also spent quite some time looking into hub drive motors yesterday - thinking an older chassis/cab would likely be rear wheel drive and this these might be able to be retrofit into the front hubs, but, it sounds like those are not ready for prime time - especially on wheels that steer, given some challenges with unsprung weight, longevity of the motor exposed to elements and robust water cooling that maintains flexibility for steering and suspension travel.

now, the unsprung weight thing is not something i fully understand, so, i may be able to overcome that to some extent, especially with using a heavy duty chassis, but, i suspect even if i were quality hub motors used are probably not particularly available, and the new ones that appear reputable don't publish a price which is almost never a good sign.

Is there a site like this one that is more focused on the electric side of things?

Also - i ran across several college or open source studies that talked about DIY-able hub motors, but, i was unable to find real specifics anywhere.. i dunno if my google fu is weak or if they are tight lipped?

Thanks again for listening to my rambling!

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Name:	ZF Sachs Sprinter.jpg
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