If there are three lanes on a highway, then the slow lane can damn well go 80km/h (50mph?). If someone doesn't like it... they can damn well pass. I don't need to apologize, feel sorry, or timidly accelerate every time another car approaches to go under the speed limit (so long as it's over whatever the minimum speed limit is).
Tailgaters are the best, and those who like to flash lights or beep the horn (I only get those last two maybe once a week to once a month). For those times, my right foot gets oh so tired... oh, you had to use your brake pads because you were too stupid and accelerated without thinking? So sorry!

And what are you going to do about it, dumbass? Are you going to bump into me? (But... your honor! He was going
80km per HOUR!) Don't think so! I'll just coast down some more and make you madder! It cracks me up so much!
Especially when it's a big SUV or semi behind me... they must think that they are a BIG MAN! Do they think I'm a motorcyclist and am going to worry about slipping over and getting crushed by a heavy vehicle, and so be intimidated? Don't think so! Hell, my boattail would probably absorb it anyway and push me forward a bit. Encountering someone this homicidal would be extremely uncommon. If they were going to attempt manslaughter based on someone going slow on the highway, in full view of a mass of other cars... I mean, come on. Most people encounter someone going 20km/h below the highway speed in the first hour or two of driving.
Let's do the math... I have to encounter someone who
-is ragingly impatient
-is homicidal over petty things
-has absolutely no fear about serving most of their life in jail
-has not already killed someone and went to jail in their first week of driving
-has not already killed someone who looked at them the wrong way, in a crowded room full of ready witnesses, before they even had a car license, and went to jail
If you are worried about that, I'd keep an eye upwards for stray meteorites as well.
Of course, it would be a completely different story if I was in the fast lane, going 80km/h while keeping exact pace with my neighbor, preventing anyone from passing. But I don't.
I should really put something on my bumper such as "3.5l/100km" or "Recession Proof". I'm hesitant about the last one because some almost bankrupt person with an SUV and a $400,000 mortgage they can't pay for (purchased so they can have the house and vehicle just like all their friends) might get more envious, angry and homicidal than a little tailgating might provoke.