I don't know the advantages / disadvantages of mono vs poly silicon solar cells...
Silfab Solar further warranties that from year 2 through 30 degradation will not exceed 0.50% of Pmax per year for mono crystalline and 0.70% of Pmax per year for multi-crystalline, so that at the end of the 30th year, every Product will have a power output that is: (a) in the case of
mono-crystalline modules, at least 82.6% of the Pmax; and (b) in the case of multi-crystalline modules, 79.5% of
So my panels are expected to perform at minimum 82.6% at the end of 30 years. Seems to me the useful life might be something like 60 years or more based on that. I'd think corrosion or something affecting the frame would end their useful life before the cells wore out.
...still, if thin film could replace my roof, be affordable, and last 20 years, that would be perfectly fine.