Originally Posted by S Keith
Any rumors that Toyota is discontinuing manufacture or sale of batteries fails every logic test.
Thanks for the info! I had no idea of the history or current situation for Toyota NiMh batteries except that there may be supply chain issues or something.
All I know is I went to check the current price of an OEM HV battery for my Prius on parts.Toyota.com and say the batteries marked as "No longer available." Knowing the gen 3 batteries has basically the same modules I also looked up a couple years of gen 3 Prii and also saw them marked as "No longer available." Of course that doesn't mean that it could be from supply shortages or something, as I'm no expert on what's actually happening.
2006 Toyota Prius Hatchback Battery assembly hv supply. Electrical, wiring, cable - G951047031 - Genuine Toyota Part