Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary
Of course another thing to factor in is inflation.
My first car, a bullet-nose Studebaker was $100, my last one [in the thumbnail] was $1000. So I have felt that pain.
Originally Posted by Ecky
The issue is the same with housing. New single family homes are simply not built with 1000sq ft. Market forces make it such that contractors only find it worthwhile to build mid- to high-end homes, for reasons i haven't taken the time to fully understand.
It's a story as old as Edison's cast concrete houses and Bucky Fuller's Stockade Block building system -- any substantial improvement would devalue the existing housing stock. And there are powerful forces arrayed against that.
It's structured such that the escape valve is 'tiny houses'.
I gave it my best shot on 2022-12-26:
Mud Bubbles
I've said for some time now that we will live in Mud Bubbles and we will like it. Now, today, Kirsten Dirksen posted this:
I rented rooms in the house in this picture. I had a Vietnam Veteran tunnel rat move out to make room for an exotic dancer. Possibly my worst mistake.