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Old 08-22-2022, 05:46 PM   #43 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Bremerton, WA
Posts: 108

Passat TDI Wagon - '97 VW Passat Wagon TDI
90 day: 54.32 mpg (US)

Blue - '21 Hyundai Sonata Blue
90 day: 49.97 mpg (US)
Thanks: 40
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Originally Posted by Caddylackn View Post
Some A B A B A B A B A Testing results with the full undertray and no air dam.
compared to A B A B A B A B A B results with the air dam and diffuser only.

-Using Scan Gauge II trip, no fill up yet.

To work (trip mpg)..............Home (trip mpg)
67.9 .................................64.3
71.7..................................67.7 3 mile shortened trip
66.9..................................62.2 3 mile shortened trip

With Full Undertray tied to diffuser
78.2....................................77.4 To work from gas station to work only
85.3...................................... -
Well throw out these A B A B A B A testing results. I refilled my tank and my Scan Gauge II was off by 2 gallons. This is about 30% low, so it was reading mpg about 25-30% high. IDK why that the gauge would be that far off from factory settings. It was not reading fuel (gpm) correctly. I double checked my initial settings and they are correct. I am reading about 3% error in my speedometer based on GPS speedometer. My gas mileage after fill up (7 gallons) was 57 mpg, which is more reasonable than above, but still lower than I hoped. The SGII was thinking fillup would be 5.0 gallons, but it was 7 gallons & change.

I adjusted the fill settings so now the SGII increased my fuel usage settings up about 30% after first calibration after fill up. I will check and recalibrate after another fill up. I think some of the "missing 2 gallons of diesel" may have actually been some spillage from driving around with the tank full up to the neck of the filler tube. I have the wrong gas cap and I may be getting some spillage. From now on, I will just have the pump shutoff on its own twice, then stop. That is about 21 gallons. I don't need the full 26 gallons in, driving around to work and back.

so today, 8/22/22
I measured To work:
63.5 mpg ;

I did have some rear wheel brake drag on part of the trip, from adjusting my rear wheel bearings. I took off rear rotor to replace the rear wheel bearings then noticed that Rock Auto didn't ship my outer wheel bearing So, I just repacked them with fresh grease and retorqued them. This left an overtight brake setting, as rehooking up my emergency brake cable tightened the rear caliper piston, so it needs to burn the pad in. I could smell the burning brake pad at a stop light after 5 miles, but not when I arrived at work so it stopped sometime on the way.

So I have a bunch of A B A B A testing done on my mods with the uncalibrated SGII, but the values are too high, but the % improvement between the mods should be the same.
97 Passat TDI Wagon
Bosio 520 DLC nozzles, chip tune
Mufflerectomy, ALH Injection Pump
317k miles
Scan Gauge II
full belly pan
26 gallon tank
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