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Old 08-25-2022, 04:15 PM   #726 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
It is a controversial stance. The first page was mainly about debunking it. But the debunking relies on Universe expanding without any center. Which most likely is mis-interpretation of red-shift data.


The ancient Greeks thought Universe is a dodecahedron, that wraps around to opposing faces like a side-scrolling 8-bit video game. Being a fan of the Platonic solids (and the Archimedian semi-regulars) it sounds as good as anything to me.
PBS finished up a series about a week ago about the Universe. They ended it with black holes, then James Webb ST.
They did say that, an observer, observing the Universe, from any vantage point, will experience the same thing, regardless of location. Expanding space-time, forever.
An edge to the Universe doesn't exist.
All information lost to a black hole might remain as a hologram at the event horizon.
Perhaps, black holes existed before galaxies, not after. Clumps of matter.
Dark matter.
Dark energy.
More unknowns than knowns.
And if the theoretical quantum physicists can't come up with a unified field theory to explain all phenomena, we're at a impasse.
It was all over my head in college, but I enjoyed the guest lecturers anyway.
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