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Old 08-25-2022, 05:10 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
1) I don't don't believe the CFD!
2) It's a remarkable claim to suggest that there'd be 'separation' as depicted.
3) Any separation, anywhere on a 'real' aircraft would be a 'reach of the imagination', except at burble-point and stall angles of attack.
4) I submit that there's nothing but 'turbulent boundary layer' where they're claiming their so-called 'separation.'
5) I recommend a re-analysis with 'real' industry-grade CFD, plus evidence that this 'modification' is presently operating with FAA certification anywhere on Earth.
I'M claiming!???
WhatTH do you mean I'M claiming!?

Some Aero Engineer was wandering why whales had these Bumps on the LEADING EDGE of their fins, so he looked for a dead whale and tested a fin.
The above is what HE claimed to find and ALL subsequent tests seem to corroborate his results.
That explains why people are 1: selling them and 2: buying them.

in short:
this is what billions of years of EVOLUTION claims to have found a good while before we even invented the wheel!

If there's one thing I hucking fate it's people who wipe their arses on other peoples posts/research as a matter of course, without doing any research on the subject of their own!

Go find some science that refutes this I dare ya!!
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