curves, angles,..............
On page-12, they show a 48"- 3-sided tail, and a 32" - 4-sided tail.
And Cds are for the combination gap seal, skirts and tail, together.
On page-13, no dimensions are given for any of the 4-types, and there isn't enough information provided to 'reconstruct' what they've actually done, except for the radii, from which to reverse-engineer. Nothing's straight forward. Bummer.
The Ahmed and modified Ahmed bodies provide all the information we need.
So to, for Rolf Buchheim et al.'s series of prismatic bodies, and curved-roof bodies.
Buchheim's prismatic optimum angles were all a function of the length of the sloped rear panel, as a fraction of the greenhouse length.
Finally, the 4-sided tail isn't shown at all, and we have to guess if the 'floor' is level, or angled up like the top and sides.
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