Well, you might be the wise one realizing that convenience might be very inconvenient at times.
Yesterday my RDP session to a headless PC dropped while I was on it. I almost dismissed it as nothing except that both are hardwired to the same network switch. I checked the Security event logs and found about 2 failed login attempts per second from a handful of IPs using Admin and Administrator as the login. Something was trying to brute force my PC. I'm a dummy for having port-forwarded 3389 out of laziness.
My router occasionally locked up and had to be rebooted. Stranger yet, I could log into the webGUI, but couldn't change the login name or password. The dang thing accepted my password to log in but rejected the same one to change it. Factory reset and firmware upgrade time.
IP lookup didn't tell me who owned them, but they trace back to Germany, which might just be a proxy.
Now I'm getting serious about changing passwords and enforcing 2FA.
Then again, Man In the Middle attacks started with phone lines. Keeping secrets among people has been an issue going back to the whisper.