Originally Posted by Ecky
You're welcome to my K24A2 tune, if you'd like to use it as a starting point.
I found my engine got rough below ~745rpm. Granted, I had removed the balance shafts for both fuel economy and power reasons, but the Insight has no subframe, the engine is bolted directly to the chassis (with poly mounts in this case), and the stiff and lightweight aluminum chassis transmits those vibrations well, so I didn't go any lower to avoid harshness.
I don't see a low idle as hurting it. There's not much load on the engine. K's have great oil pressure, especially off VTEC, because they're designed to have extra pressure due to so much of it being bled off to feed the VVT and VTEC system, which are oil-pressure powered.
Cool, thanks. What mods is that tune set up for? For now I'm using the stock TSX basemap in Kmanager and as far as I can tell not being able to monitor fuel trims and air/fuel ratios since I don't have an exhaust and oxygen sensor yet it seems to be working reasonably well. I got 42.2 MPG last tank despite everything being wrong, so that's not too bad for something so quick. That should improve a bit when the brakes aren't dragging, I get a hood, exhaust, oxygen sensor and taller geared 6 speed trans, suspension is fixed and alignment is correct, etc.
Mine doesn't have balance shafts either and it still idles smooth enough at 600-700 RPM that I usually can barely feel it running over the vibrations from the road, tires, etc while I'm coasting and it never vibrates so much that it annoys me. Since I don't have an exhaust system yet, I actually prefer the lower idle because it's quieter.
As for oil pressure, I'm not sure what it is since I don't have a gauge yet. I imagine it is probably pretty good since the chain driven oil pump spins 1.6 times faster than the crankshaft. I was more concerned about inadequate oil splash at a lower RPM, but I wouldn't think 600-700 RPM would be so low that I would have to worry much. It's not like I'm trying to get it to idle ridiculously low, plenty of cars idle at that RPM with no problems.