On my commute I am getting 48.8km/L of 91 petrol on my Yamamha R15 V3 however the riding position is uncomfortable.
A recumbent two seater with streamlined fairing sounds like a more comfortable option while preserving fuel economy and filtering capability.
AV-ACG - <b>British<br>Human<br>Power<br>Club</b>
I am looking for suitable scooter frame that offers:
1) Low seat height for driver and passenger.
2) Headstock height lower than eye level when seated.
3) Front wheel assembly narrow enough to accommodate feet forward position.
4) Inexpensive.
The Honda Ruckus has a suitable frame however it is an expensive Japanese import to Australia and costs more than my brand new R15 (crazy town).
Does anyone know of a scooter frame that might be suitable?
I am in Australia.
I have considering building the frame myself but the red tape here is super expensive.