The one with the highest mileage has 195,278 miles.
It also has the lowest price, but why pay $6,500 for one with 195k when you can buy one with 142,416 miles for $7,000?
It's also in Tucson.
Enterprise doesn't show any rentals.
The only other option is Uhaul.
They would charge $213 and the site says it is 222 miles.
This says it would get up to 12 MPG.
That works out to 18.5 gallons
Gas is $3.70 in Tucson: $68.45.
All that I can find is "Tax, title, registration, $499 dealer doc fee, market adjustments, and dealer installed options extra."
This says the sales tax on $7,000 is $541.24.
With the rental and gas it would total $7,821.69
So, claim my car is worth $7,000?!
Seven thousand dollars?!
Settle for six?!