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Old 09-19-2022, 11:14 AM   #214 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Originally Posted by Xist View Post
I reached out to the dealership and haven't heard back, but as I mentioned, it isn't on their site.

Even if they still had it, how much would tax, title, registration, $499 dealer doc fee, market adjustments, and dealer installed options total?
The insurance company doesn't have to find you a vehicle - just establish the value of your vehicle from comparable sales. As I mentioned multiple times - the insurance company will have that data already - there are companies that compile sales transaction data. If you attempt to prove that data wrong and claim a higher value based on things like Craigslist ads you can expect to receive back ads supporting their price.

I have no idea how much your state charges for registration, tax, and title - it varies from state to state even county by county and city by city within a state. Consult your old posts. If I recall correctly you have looked this up repeatedly during your past car shopping sagas.
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