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Old 10-01-2022, 08:32 PM   #1012 (permalink)
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You're the sort of person that Scott Adams refers to when he talks about discrimination prejudice in the work place.

You're a professional, so I'll ask this. There was a time when I had opportunity to talk to a child not my own. I told and showed them that, if they were ever in a situation where they had to run with scissors, to grasp them by the pointy end, not the handles. Was I wrong? Or just obstructing parental authority.

On the bus I sat near a case worker with a teenager in tow, and she was explaining that she couldn't offer a ride in her car 'for both their safety'. The pushback from someone who didn't know how (to push back) made it a long drawn out converstaion. As I was getting up to leave, I said , with the most sarcasm I could muster "The important thing is we all live in fear". She just nodded and repeated "We must all live in fear". [shrug]
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