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Old 10-03-2022, 02:47 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Blacktree View Post
I'd like to offer a couple clarifications.

1) The pressure wave box doesn't cancel out the exhaust pulses. It terminates them. When the pressure pulse reaches the end of the pipe, it reverses and goes back up the pipe. The box allows you to have the benefits of tuned length header extensions, while also having a "real" exhaust system.
Quite so Blacktree thx.
But wouldn't the fact that the pressure pulses are smoothed out through the mufflers be a large part of that termination effect?

Originally Posted by Blacktree View Post
2) That volume calculation is specifically for an 8 cylinder engine. Hence the "8 times cylinder volume". The calculation also assumes a single pipe exhaust. Another way to look at it: the box needs to be at least the total volume of the cylinders feeding into it, preferably 1.5-2x.
Hmmm... I also thought so Blacktree
NB the H Pipe David Vizard specifies, preferably before the PWTB, or into it.
ie: He's already taken pulses from the other bank into account on a 2 pipe/PWTB exhaust..?
So the 8x to 15X the volume of one cylinder seems universal to me..?
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